Icon of Our Lady of Pantanassa/ Wsiecaryca

Icon of Our Lady of Pantanassa/ Wsiecaryca

Greek icon made on gold using the silkscreen method.
This is a method characterised by the direct printing of the icon on the board.
Thanks to this method, the icon retains its durability. It will not lose its appearance when exposed to sunlight and other atmospheric conditions.
A support is included with the icon, so that the icon can also be stood up.

Dimensions of the icon: 12.5 x 9.5 x 1.5 cm.


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The icon was created in the 17th century. She became famous for fighting charms and sorcery. At first, she was located in Novi Skit in Greece. There she was called the ‘Omnipotent’.The monks tell the story of how once a young man came to the monastery, who, when standing before the icon of the Vsescaris, fell on his face and began to scream. As it later turned out, he was involved in witchcraft. The next place where the icon was found was the Holy Mount Athos. A faithful copy of the icon was created. The icon of the Mother of God also gained fame through numerous healings of cancer patients. Thanks to the prayers of hundreds of the faithful, myrrh began to flow down the icon. A copy of the icon was moved to Krasny Selo. In 1995, the akathist was translated from Greek into Russian. Mylebs are also celebrated in the children’s cancer hospital. The Mother of God on the icon is depicted seated on a throne with Christ on her left shoulder. Behind the Mother of God in the background are two angels in prayerful poses.