Wedding icons on board 21 x 28
Wedding icons on board 21 x 28
Wedding icon set: Kazan Mother of God and Jesus Christ.
Icons made by screen printing on canvas, which was glued on a wooden board. The board prepared as for a written icon.
Icon dimensions: 21 x 28 cm.
Feel free to view the icons at Vizantio or feel free to contact us if you have any doubts!
360.00 zł
Out of stock
* Icon set sold without wedding candles.
The Kazan Mother of God is one of the most popular MBs in Russia and the most venerated icon of the Mother of God.
The Kazan Mother of God appeared to the inhabitants of Kazan on 08.07.1579. After a massive fire in the city, the 9-year-old daughter of a merchant, Matrona, appeared to the Mother of God in a dream and pointed out the place where Her icon had been hidden since the time when Russia was still under the Tartar yoke. The icon was found in the ashes of the burnt house of the shooter Daniel. It was very beautiful and shone with fresh colours.
On the site of the icon’s revelation to MB, Tsar Ivan IV the Terrible ordered a female monastery to be built. The first residents were the Matrona and her mother. The Cathedral of the Kazan Mother of God was later built.
* In Moscow in 1612, the city was saved through the intercession of the Mother of God.
* In 1941, Metropolitan Elijah of Lebanon had a vision in which it was revealed that Leningrad was saved if there was a procession with the icon around the city; the besieged city withstood the blockade.
More often than not, people turn to it asking for help in misfortunes and illnesses. In the consciousness of the people, she is proof of the Mother of God’s intercession for the Orthodox Church and a nation threatened by external attack.